Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Check it out. 3 things you can look at when deciding a topic for your website.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Making money online? Let me count the ways.

Here's an update on my "is making money online really possible?" experiment.

Owning a website that will make you long term stable income isn't something that you can do overnight. So any time you see the terms "get rich" and "fast" or "easy" all in the same title, be weary. Because a good honest living online I believe does exist (we will see by the end of this experiment), but it takes good honest work yo accomplish it.

Now as promised I said I would share with you the sources from which I was gaining my kowledge about earning money online. So here it is: Now since I am posting this from my mobil phone I'm not really sure how to hyperlink that address. When I get back to my pc (yeah sorry macs, I'm a pc, although if I could afford a mac I would be delighted to try) I will add in the links from her page that discuss exactly the same things that I read just a short time ago.

So she (by she I mean Lisa the owner of will stress to you the importance of preliminary planning. Don't just go out and purchase a domain and a host and throw up a website because you will end up watching your site sit there a d get maybe a visit or two from you're facebook page.

But I am getting a little ahead of myself. I will discuss more of those things in my next update (I haven't decided between a video update or another blog post. What do you suggest?). Anywho... Here is the message I really want to get across.


Whew, that was a mouth full. What I mean is, there are tons of different ways to earn a living online. You don't even need a website for a lot of those ways. Now I'll be honest I haven't done a whole lot of research on this topic because I already know what I want to do to create online cash flow. But I did find an article that seemed fairly comprehensive and useful. It's entitled 101 ways to make money online. Here's the link:

What method did I choose and why?

Well I would again have to acredit this one to Lisa back at I was obviously searching for more information on how to earn online money. I was actually exploring the idea of online resale. You know, purchasing quality items in bulk or at discount and reselling for profit. But I didn't want to deal with the merchandise and packing and shipping... Didn't sound like fun for me.

But then I found a YouTube video about an affiliate marketing company called clickbank. I was interested so I searched more on the subject and came across Lisa's YouTube video where she talked about clickbank and her other successes. Well from there I suppose the rest is history as they say.

I found her to be very honest and down to earth. I decided that I wanted to use her as my guide. So I chose affiliate marketing and possibly PPC ads as my two main sources of income. (more on what these are in my next post. Or check out lisa's videos and websites for a great explanation.)

So there you have it. My method for earning money online is affiliate marketing and PPC ads.

Next post (I think I decided to do a video next time) I will discuss more about what it takes to be successful with these methods. I will also discuss my next step which is decide a topic or niche to concentrate on.

So subscribe to my YouTube channel and follow my blog to find out if an average Joe like me can go from knowing nothing on the subject to earning a living online.

I believe that I can do it and I know that YOU CAN TOO!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Thursday, February 11, 2010

How to avoid "the brain fatigue"

Hello everybody! I just wanted to post this right now to tell you all that i am finding out that this isn't as easy as I had hoped. It is turning out to be a lot of brain work. I know that might make me sound like an incompetent canidate to be tackling this project. Let me explain.

I grew up in snowflake Arizona where my parents own a lawn maintenance company. Naturally I grew up learning how to work hard. I became accustomed to earning a living with my back not my brain. Even after I guaduated highschool and moved to Chandler Arizona I found employment with companies that were in need of skilled labor. I became very skilled in landscape installation and maintenance and swimming pool maintenance and repair.

Please do not get me wrong! I am not by anymeans lacking in intelligence. You may find that my grammar isn't always perfect and that every once in a while I will make spelling mistakes. But I have always been very smart. Also please understand that I am not trying to brag on myself to try to win you over and make you like me either.

All I am trying to say here is that if you're not used to working your brain all day long you may or may not be in for a surprise. I am finding that it's more intense than I suspected it would be. It takes high levels of concentration for long periods of time. I don't know if I suffer from a little of attention deficit dissorder or if it's just too much concentration all at once but I have to take frequent breaks.

That is my suggestion for any of you who is experiencing my same problem. Take frequent breaks. Another thing I find helpful is to go back to the good ole pad of paper and a pen. I find if I write my thoughts and plans down on a pad of paper while I am sitting on the couch or somewhere comfortable that my brain is able to relax a little more. Then once I have planned what I want to post here, or what I need to study I'll go to the computer. That also makes the time that I do spend on the computer much more productive.

Let me know how you deal with what I call "brain fatigue". Which I guess is just a sensation that "I can't sit here at this computer another second or I will go insane". If I go too long it will cause a headache. Is this something that any of you deal with? How do you do it? Your input will be a huge help for me and for those who read this that are having the same problems. Thank you all!

Gordon Holcomb
Age: 25 years old
Education: high school graduate

Monday, February 8, 2010

15 years old earning $4,000/Month.

That's not monopoly money either! Its real cold hard cash and it comes in, no matter if young Bilal Rammuy is asleep or awake. Bilal (formally known as Rob) is an online entrepreneur and blogger who aside from "living the online lifestyle" enjoys traveling around the world and seeing new places. Rob is 15 years old. You can read more about Rob's story and explore his site here, or watch a review of his site given by a prominent name in the website/blogging community here.

The American Dream Can Come True.

Sounds like the American dream? Well for Rob and thousands of others, it's not a dream....It's a reality! Want to know something else? Rob has only been blogging since February 2009! That's just over 12 months. Rob's story has inspired me and many others with the speed in which he has progressed and the overall success that he has obtained.

But he's not the only one making money on the web. Actually there are many others who's online income, when compared to Rob's respectable yet meager $4k/month, could only be described as gargantuan! How much is "gargantuan" you ask? How does six figures per month sound? Yeah, when I first heard about what some people are earning online, I had to manually pick my jaw up off of the floor.

I must apologize if I seem overly excited about something that most of you may have already heard about. I admit, maybe I am a little behind the times as far as my knowledge of online earning possibilities is concerned. But now that I have seen the possibilities that are out there, I have two questions surging through my mind.

1. How on earth do they do it? and

2. How on earth can I do it?

That is what I am setting out to learn. If there is one thing that I do know, it is that making money online is possible. I can do it. You can do it. It will just take some learning, figuring out, hard work and determination.

So for all of you who would like to know the details behind how to earn a living online from your home computer, let me share with you the things I learn on my quest to making money online. I will keep this blog updated with each juicy detail and piece of information available pertaining to making money online and running a successful internet based business.

Gordon Holcomb
Age: 25 years old
Education: high school graduate